For four years we heard that President Donald J. Trump was a pathological liar, a white supermicist, a racist and just about every other derogatory label. Turn the page. the Biden Harris administration. It is already looking like Obama 3.0 on steroids.
The correct word to describe this leftist administration, that's right I am calling them out as leftist. Far leftist. The eradication of the last four years is at the top of their agenda without consideration that much that was done was actually good for the country. Before I get lost in the mountain of commentary that I have stifled the last few days while I gave Joe a chance, let me return to my main point.
Joe stands at the microphone reading carefully prepared comments that extol the agenda of unity and Build Back Better. Horse pucky!
Day One. Kill Keystone pipeline. The unions who he pandered to are furious. They are immediately losing over 1,000 highly paid union jobs and another 8 to 10,000 affiliated workers. The Canadians are also ripped. They have over 1 Billion dollars invested. The pipeline, which has passed muster by the Department of State four times, maintains the energy independence of North America.
Propose a federal $15 minimum wage. Only affecting government workers at this point but destined to a national mandate going forward. This my friends is a bonehead move. First, minimum wage jobs are meant to be starter jobs, a place to move on from not a life long career. Second, we have already seen kiosks and self serve checkout lanes not to mention other human eliminating devices and technology. Minimum wage jobs at $31,000 a year cannot be tolerated by businesses, especially service businesses. The result will be less jobs for unskilled workers (illegal aliens), not so utopian artificial pay scheme.
Let's cancel deportations of illegal aliens. That insures that those who made it across the border are anchored here. Deportations allow for the removal of criminals, gang members and other bad apples who prey upon citizens. Halt the building of the wall. Statistics alone show the wall, what is already built and paid for, has reduced the flow of immigrants entering our country illegally. The new President hadn't even warmed his seat behind the Resolute Desk before news of a caravan march was reported.
So many things have happened in the first few days that it is mind boggling.
Joe is silent about the impending Impeachment stunt orchestrated by none other than Nancy Pelosi. It will never result in a conviction, and it is unconstitutional to impeach a private citizen. Political theatre in the highest form. For four years President Trump held rallies all over the country with thousands in attendance and there was no unruliness, damage or disruption. As the election neared supporters held their own rallies with parades, caravans, and flotillas without incident. Over 500,000 appeared in DC to support the last ditch effort against what many believed to be a corrupt election. Support not riot. Had these same people gone mad and laid siege to the very government they love. Angry or not this does not fit their profile. All of a sudden Donald Trump is an insurrectionist?
There are way too many questions to make that stick but the Democrats will try for two reasons. One, don't waste a good crisis and two they are afraid Trump will run again in 2024. Nobody, even I, condone the infiltration of our Capitol. the actions, or the loss of life put the US on par with third world banana republics. Again, did Trump supporters all of sudden go insane to do something so out of character.
If you believe for one minute that Joe Biden is not being controlled by the far left wing of his party step back be quiet and observe. You will see it, you will hear it.
A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf, make no mistake this man is dangerous to the foundations of our great country. It is clear that Joe is relying on his 50 years of political rhetoric to make his words sound ever so upright and straight forward. That ice is very thin when you peel back the flimsy curtain.
I know I am all over the place but each time I pause to reflect a new issue comes to the fore of my mind.
I will close with this. It has been announced that he will attempt to codify abortion with a federal law that will insure access to killing babies no matter what the states do and in fact no matter what SCOTUS will do. He is on a fools errand. In the split Senate there are enough pro-life Democrats who will not go along. It has very little chance to pass yet the pro-choice folks need to be appeased because they form a significant part of the base.
There is just too much to cover without making this a diatribe, so I will close now . Extoling you to be strong, the organize peaceful opposition and educate yourselves on the underlying agendas. You will be up against a very well organized left who will attempt to label you terrorists and then cancel you at ever turn.
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."