Trump Wants, Trump Will, Trump Won’t, Trump Doesn’t. Each is followed by fallacious laments on the left. None hold water.
Wants….to ignore the seriousness of COVID pandemic.
- Met with Dr. Fauci and others. Listened to their advice and halted travel into the United States from China the epicenter of the virus. Blocked other countries as soon as it was known they too were experiencing the pandemic and COVID 19.
- Joe Biden, bristled against the travel ban. He claimed it was racists and xenophobic
- Nancy Pelosi was in SF Chinatown inviting everyone to come on down and celebrate
- Bill De Blasio was saying there was nothing to fear and go ahead and live your daily life
- Exercised the War Powers Act to enforce necessary production of vital equipment and protective personal items. All predicted shortages were filled in very short order.
- Operation Warp Speed is producing a vaccine in less than a year.
Will……. Lie, Cheat and Steal to get what he wants
- Admits to Bob Woodward on the record that he was not willing to panic the country and all his pronouncements were with that goal.
- Sabotage the election in favor of foreign influencers. Russian, Russian Oligarchs, Iran and China are slapped with severe sanctions
- Denies involvement with any foreign powers to the detriment of the US. Facts and testimony bare him out. Impeachment fails.
- Tax cuts are labeled hand outs to his rich friends. All segments of the country experience the lowest unemployment in history. Household income rises, The stock market gets stronger and stronger.
- The Trump Organization benefits monetarily from him being President. Some truth, but unavoidable because the business is massive. No direct involvement in the business. His Presidential salary is donated to important causes.
Won’t….. Fix the economy, protect minorities, keep Obamacare, wait to nominate a SCOTUS justice.
- The pandemic and the following lockdown stifled the hottest economy on the face of the earth. The return has been meteoric with all of the loses returning in less than six months.
- Unemployment hit monumental levels as a result of the lock down. Reaching almost 20%. Half those people are already back to work. He is blamed for the result of a pandemic but not credited will the recovery.
- Accused of being racist and white nationalist and white supremacist he funds HBCUs, creates opportunity zones for economic development in poor communities of color, brings black community leaders to the White House to have an in-depth conversation with them.
- Obamacare is challenged on Constitutional grounds. It was designed to fail and be replaced by a one payer system of government healthcare. He has already said the people with pre-existing conditions will be protected and able to get insurance.
- The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg requires that the top court be staffed in full. Eight can result in a tie and provide no clear way forward. Nine Justices on the court must statistically render a decision in all matters. It is the right and obligation of the President to offer a nominee.
Doesn’t……. Care about the American reputation, speak articulately, have the stature to be President.
- President Obama, Secretaries Kerry and Clinton and a legion of administration surrogates travelled the world saying that the United States was guilty of many shortcomings, was no greater than any other nation. President Trump reclaimed the supremacy of America. He would not stand for unfair treatment, disrespect and called out opposition when he identified it in other world leaders. He stood up for our values, our desire for fair play and most importantly backed up his words with actions.
- He has systematically extracted our military from foreign entanglements and has brought thousands of our troops home. All the while strengthening our military with upgrades and replenishments scuttled by the Obama administration.
- As a businessman he takes great pleasure calling out lopsided trade deals, he is rebuilding American manufacturing prowess and returning those good paying jobs back to our soil.
-Born and bread in New York you learn to be rough and tumble. You speak your mind. Pretty words are not necessary to get a job done. Many disagree with his bombastic pronouncements but more look beyond them to his accomplishments.
- The White House needed a warrior not a panty waisted politician to prevent America sliding into a socialist pit.
Donald J. Trump is an enigma, inside a riddle, inside a puzzle and the Democrats have yet to figure out how to defeat him. They sling emotions, spin their distortions about what he really means, as if they are mind readers. If he says yes the left says no, and does so emphatically. He is a power that they despise and will stoop to any lengths to bring him down.
On this side of the ledger his accomplishments far outweigh their attacks. Considering that President Trump was under attack even before he became President and was still able to not only endure but be effective the world over is not only remarkable, but unbelievable.
There is blood lust on the left. President Trump is the only thing standing in the way of the Marxists, socialists, and communists that crave the destruction of our system.