Do not fool yourself, do not believe me but do your own research and the revelation will be that Joe Biden, such as he is, is presiding over what in essence it the resumption and reestablishing a legacy that was all but dismantled.
You need to go no further than the flurry of Executive Orders Biden began issuing on Day 1 of his Presidency. He was in such a rush to get started he left his swearing in and went directly to the Resolute Desk and began the process.
The order of the E.O.s is not as revealing as the number. Remember that for eight years Biden was Obama’s useful idiot.
I will just mention a few that have, to me, the specter of Obama’s influence.
Rejoining the World Health Organization. The WHO is clearly a shill for the Chinese. It took WHO investigators almost one year before China would allow them to investigate the origins of the COVID pandemic. President Trump withdrew their funding, $400 Million, because they were not objective in pursuit of finding the cause of the outbreak and blatantly accepted the “wet” market lie. The WHO is still accepting the Chinese lie and when finally allowed to enter the Wuhan lab – after so many months – they would not admit what the rest of the world knew. The virus started in that lab, which was now scrubbed of all potentially incriminating evidence.
Rejoining the Paris Accord. Another international globalist folly. The outcome of the Paris Accord was that countries collaborate on environmental regulations that would impact or in their words mitigate climate change. The problem is that once again the United States would fund much of the effort. What is not considered is that the US has been continually improving our air and water quality. We probably are some of the best practices when it comes to being considerate of the planet.
This is a big one that makes no sense whatsoever. Cancelling the Keystone pipeline that is already well underway with our north of the border friends the Canadians. There are two outstanding reasons why the pipeline should continue. Without it the crude will be transported by rail. Rail transport has many times more likelihood of spills than the pipeline. If the pipe line is not completed the crude will be sold to China and Russia. This impacts our energy independence and will force us to import oil from them.
A similar E.O. is not allowing drilling permits on federal land. That very drilling is what has made us energy independent. Under the Trump administration the US was actually an exporter of gas and oil. Leaves one scratching their head at the foolishness of such a decision. It has no clear impact on the environment, employs thousands and keeps us from being subject to foreign countries for our energy.
A wrong-headed agenda item is ceasing the construction of the wall at our southern border. A cursory glance at the statistics makes it abundantly clear that the wall and the cooperation of the Mexican government have stemmed the uncontrolled influx of immigrants from the south. Even before this Executive Order to stop the wall was signed media reported that caravans were being formed and heading north. The open sign has been hung once again. To exacerbate the situation another order was signed allowing the legal migrant count to 125,000 worldwide up from 15,000. That does not include the order to allow another 25,000 asylum seekers free access to the states purportedly awaiting adjudication of the claim.
A particularly egregious E.O. restores federal funding to Planned Parenthood that was withdrawn by President Trump. The killing of the preborn continues. So much for Biden being labeled a devout Catholic by the media and his allies.
Biden has been in government for almost 50 years. Before he started to lose his faculties, he was a true politician. Great at speeches and little else. He has been given a pass for some of his inappropriate statements and actions. More importantly he played Sancho Panza to Obama’s Man of LaMancha, Don Quixote and has yet to relinquish the role.