I will not divulge the color of my skin to you because it does not matter. What matters is that I am a human being who demands your respect for that reason alone.
I came upon this earth fully unprotected and someone or a few someone elses took care of me and allowed me to grow. It does not matter the circumstances because I could not have gotten here on my own. So, I have value to others, I matter.
But now that I am here, I can say for myself that, I matter. You do not have the right to diminish me as a person. You do not have the right to dismiss me with disdain. You do not know me. You do not know my heart, my mind or my soul by the color of my skin.
You cannot label me for your benefit or agenda. My life matters to me and that should be enough for you.
My skin could be any color and I am still me. My color may be different than yours, but that doesn’t matter either. We breathe the same air, we bleed red, we have eyes that see and minds that think and hearts that feel, so we matter. You and me, we matter. It cannot be any other way.
Black, White, Yellow, Brown and all the other colors are irrelevant. My life matters, don’t you get it? It is about who I am.
I can be rich or poor or somewhere in the middle, but that doesn’t matter either. I could be a product of nice schools or urban ghetto classrooms. I could live in a house or in public housing. None of those things matter, because it is I, who matter, me as a person, as a fellow human walking the earth same as you are.
Our differences are not of any real consequence when you can say, believe and act in a way that you matter to others. I want to matter to you because you matter to me. It cannot be any other way.
If I matter, then I must know that you matter as well. It is the only way.
Anonymous 2020