The total legal population of the US is 340,000,000 people. 7,000,000 illegal immigrants entering the US from 2021 to year end 2023. Not counting another 700,000 gotaways since 2021.
No matter how you identify this mass influx it has added roughly 2% to the total population. Without a change in border policy and with another year to run under the Biden administration we could see a 2.5% or even a 3% increase. The overall projection of immigrants as a percentage of the population by the end of the Biden administration is 17%.
The American people are being forced to foot the bill for the newly arrived.
Governor Abbott of Texas has lit the match on forcing blue cities and states to recognize the scope of the problem he has been dealing with at the border. New York City, Washington DC, as examples are in the news everyday moaning about the burden they are experiencing by the burgeoning influx of migrants.
Laughable for two reasons. Their self-declared sanctuary status puts them at odds with the current exploding population of migrants. Either you are a sanctuary and welcoming without question or you are not. It is no longer comfortable for the Democrat led cities and states to ignore the open southern border.
During daily press briefings KJP parrots that the border condition has nothing to do with the current administration and of late has blamed Congress for not addressing comprehensive immigration reform. Secretary Majorkas sticks to his pronouncement that the border is closed, in direct contradiction of the numbers. His refusal to do anything about the invasion of illegal immigrants have put him in jeopardy of impeachment.
There is no hiding from the agenda when you recall Bidens’ very first batch of executive orders that shut down the completion of the border wall. POTUS and his border czar Harris have ignored the situation at best and exacerbated it in reality.
At the current pace millions more will flood over the border and wind up all across the country in need of all types of aid, services, housing and of course money. Democrats have proposed “work permits” to inject the migrants into the US workforce. They claim the permits will make them self-reliant and taxpayers. A very thin disguise for the ultimate goal of bloating the voter roles with illegals beholden to their benefactors.
The 2024 election can not be more important. Continuing this administration and its agenda will create a situation advancing darker and deeper political divide and assure a steeper decline into socialism.