Remember when the adage for newspapers and news broadcasts was “If it bleeds, it leads”?
The current day version is “If its black, it leads”
The hijacking of the American psyche is complete. Blacks hate whites and cops, white hate whites, politicians pander at extreme levels, truth and facts matter not.
It is incredibly amazing how much leverage was handed to the Black Lives Matter organization and movement by the press and media in general. The premise is that the country is corrupt to the core. That President Trump is a white supremacist and chief racists.
Let’s take a look at their rhetoric.
Blacks are the victims of wholesale killing by police – not true, no facts to support it. Police departments need to be defunded (read handcuff their ability to police effectively). Blacks have been oppressed by a systematic racism in society – not true, trillions of dollars have been directed to black communities in an attempt to provide support and opportunities. Blacks are due reparations because they were not given recognition or equal opportunities – not true, just look at legacy of iconic blacks in government, the courts, businesses and every industry – their roots are the same but they took responsibility for their own success. Additionally the United States has historically identified inequity and has taken steps to rectify – had a Civil War to abolish slavery, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Opportunity Commission, civil service appointment preferences, government assistance to minority owned business and the list goes on.
History tells an unbalanced and sometimes very difficult story of our progress.
Was slavery a benefit to the young nation, of course it was. However, the inhumanity of such treatments was not in sync with the founding documents, the constitution or the ideals. Granted slave ownership could be found at almost every level. For almost two hundred and fifty years the American experiment has been undergoing changes to make it a more perfect union and that includes leveling the playing field for all races, creeds, religions and even sexual orientation.
The death of George Floyd at the hands of some very bad police has lit the fire, raised the volume and rhetoric that was just waiting to be unleashed. What you are witnessing is an organized insurrection based on a rickety underpinning of Marxism and radicalism. Just look at the violence, rioting and looting. Those are not methods to encourage a dialogue. I can’t have a conversation with anyone if they are threatening me or my property.
The current situation across the country of pandering politicians, ineffective officials, kowtowing police brass, hysterical students, anarchists, agitators, and your run of the mill criminals has the potential to create Civil War 2.0. Images of black militias fully armed in tactical gear threatening the “burn the place down” if they don’t get their demands are chilling to the bone.
Addressing the white privilege fallacy is not as difficult as people seem to make it. Statistically the country is only 12 to 13 percent black. All the other races make up the balance of the country. That is fact. Doesn’t it make sense that by sheer weight of numbers whites would have more success, make up more of job holders, etc. Trying to call out the white population as supremacists is ludicrous. Surely, there are white supremacists but just a sure there are black racists. Accusing white people of being the be all and end all of alleged black oppression is a tactic that is gaining momentum and that is the result of indoctrination in academic settings from kindergarten to post doctorate. The truth is that buying into this argument requires a complete disregard for facts, history, tradition and common sense.
It also requires a complicit fourth estate. It appears that the media has chosen a side. They downplay the rioting by claiming that protests were mainly peaceful and give voice to theories that any attempt to suppress the violence is done with storm trooper tactics by jack booted thugs. Factual reporting has been tossed in the trash bucket. Any voice raised in opposition is immediately labeled racist or alt-right or the equivalent of the KKK or Nazis.
The BLM movement has snatched defeat out to the jaws of victory. The entire country was appalled by the George Floyd murder and lined up in solidarity to express their collective outrage. Unfortunately, the first window that was broken, the first fire that was lit followed by widespread lawlessness drew the line in the sand. The divide got wider and wider with every new attempt at destruction, violence, attacks on police and mayhem. Law and order versus anarchy cannot exist in the same place. Something will have to give. Either Black leaders will be able to calm the atmosphere or more aggressive enforcement will have to take place. Therein lies the potential for a civil conflagration like we have never seen before.