If you are wondering how the country will heal you can stop right now because it won't. Not with the dribble and distortions you will find in the childern's book produced by the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad, Heritage Center entitled "Something Happened In Our Town. A Children's Story About Racial Injustice."
For my money there is not anything close to being educational. It is pure propaganda filled with innuendos and outright lies. You may think that brainwashing is a drastic term. I do not.
It paints law enforcement as not worthy of trust or respect and couching the events that have claimed national coverage and ignited protests that became violent riots and looting as purposeful attacks on black individuals.
The narrator even uses tone to drive home the points. Mind you the producers identify their organization as focused on gifted kids. As such you would have to expect that they are pretty good thinkers. Instilling in them such race baiting will prevent them from making up their own minds when the get older.
If you can stomach it here is the link https://youtu.be/lcOhOFGcWm8
Do with this what you will, but I suggest that you share it get far and wide to show the bedrock hate of law enforcement and paricularly the officers who wear a badge. You will probably be called a racist when you expose this hypocrisy so be ready, but don't fear it because right is right.