The definition of antisemitism is “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.” according to the Meriam-Webster dictionary. Further, there is lexical evidence of its use since 1880, but surely the sentiment has been around for a much longer time.
The existence of antisemitism has been known since the days of the Old Testament. Perhaps a bit more subtle since the Holocaust but present, nonetheless. Today the word antisemitism is morphing into the hidden hatred of the Jewish people making it completely inaccurate. The level of Jew hate has been exposed in its dangerous ugliness, transcending a mere negative opinion gaining new recognition of the depth of vitriol as the rhetoric increases across the world.
Antisemitism expresses a dislike. Jew hate is the overt desire to eradicate the Jewish people under the guise that Israel is a blight on the world. An attempt at moral equivalence is a strategy to paint Israel as an oppressor by ignoring the bloody terrorist attack of October 7th.
It is mind bending to understand the ability to be a Hamas supporter. Imagine Al-Qaeda supporters being in New York City streets right after September 11th. I dare say there would have been mayhem in the streets, blood potentially, with any protester labelled as the enemy.
Imagine how Israel and the Jewish people feel being not only abandoned but opposed at their hour of need.
“From the river to the sea” is a clear call to eradicate Israel and the Jewish people. An overt effort to complete what the Nazis’ started with the Holocaust. For 70 plus years the “Never again” mantra gave solace to the Jews who naively thought the world would come to their defense. Without global support Israel and millions more Jews will die.
Hamas is the enemy.
Stop Jew Hate.