We are winning.
"Above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God." - President Donald Trump, January 24, 2020
47 years ago, the Roe v Wade decision was handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States. Over the years many have claimed that the decision was contrived and based on arguments that are not wholly supported by the constitution. That aside the division of defenders of the unborn and proponents of abortion could not be greater.
From a ground swell those many years ago a growing voice is being heard. The more draconian the left becomes and passes horrendous expansions of abortion on demand even up until the moment of birth and thereafter the more the voice for the unborn gets louder.
Pro-choice positions are being exposed as not only unsavory but barbaric. The more medical science tells us that unborn babies can feel pain the more the process is exposed as murder of a human being.
Just today as President Donald J. Trump addressed the March for Life on the Mall in Washington DC the presidential contender avowed socialist leftist Senator Bernie Sanders twitted “Abortion is Healthcare.” The differences could not be clearer. POTUS, the first to appear at the march, strongly and firmly stated his role as a warrior for the unborn. He called out the ungodly process for what it is, stealing the life of God’s creations. Members of the left could not wait to make a mockery of the Presidents words. They called it pandering, they called it electioneering, they called it a fund-raising ploy. They even went so far as to say his speech was divisive and a bad precedent of picking sides. That is really rich after eight years of Obama fanning the flame of racial tensions.
Pay attention, the unborn have an army fighting for them. Besides the human persons that pray, spread the word and call out abortion for what it is there is army of the 61 million baby angels that were not allowed to live. Imagine they are all at the feet of the Almighty begging Him to prevail. I know that I count on the angelic army to give me the courage and strength to advocate for them.
Ever so slowly the pro-choice arguments are falling apart. Science is against them. Human nature is against them. Civility is against them. God is against them.
Rallies and marches are one thing. A good thing because they give visual credence to the words of hope. A long-suffering movement will not go away until the babies are saved.
The shrill “healthcare” manta of pro-choice is hollow and dripping with defensive nonsense.
It is impossible for anyone supporting abortion, especially late term abortion to claim self-respect. It is merely hubris in the face of God. When man ignores the sanctity of life it will be at his own peril.
It is the very steps that the pro-choice agenda are taking that will be the downfall of them and abortion.