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Don't talk to me.

Writer's picture: Virgil LassiterVirgil Lassiter

Conversation, dialogue, debate have sunk to amazing new lows.

The ability to have discourse with those who hold different viewpoints is lost.

I have many friends of mine who are not of my mindset when it comes to social issues or politics in general. Should I disavow them and not recognize the real reasons why I call them friends?

All humans are multi-faceted. They can possess divergent opinions on a myriad of matters, sometime actually in conflict within themselves. How about a fiscally conservative liberal who is generally very progressive with social justice issues yet can be fiscally responsible in terms of monetary policy. Are they not of two different minds. People are not single issue thinkers or doers.

The bounds of normalcy are in conflict by opposing forces. There is the LGBTQ same sex proponents and then there are those who do not agree with those positions or lifestyles. The objections could be from a moral standpoint or merely a personal preference that does not ascribe to those contingents. What appears to be a complete refusal of allowing freedom of speech to different points of view is happening and more frequently everyday. The opposition takes the position that any contrary disagreeable stands are wrong and possibly evil. Epithets of racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, are thrown around with abandon.

Most times nothing could be further from the truth. The progressive left is a very aggressive psychology. Either you agree with them and support their entire agenda or you are the enemy.

Follow how this agenda has built over the years. In no particular order of development or importance some of the agenda political activist groups are; Pro-choice, LGBTQ, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Socialist Democrats, Open borders, Islamaphobia to name but a few.

Of late the broadening of issues has reached a fever pitch. Just one example shows the depth of dysfunction of these elements of society. Enter into the world the choice of deciding your preferred gender – or should I say your sexual identity. Science, genetics, DNA, chromosomes be damned. So powerful have the outrageous proponents become that elected officials are afraid to combat them and cave into their demands. Of note are the ‘transitioning’ in jail demanding and receiving medical assistance and even surgery at the expense of the government. Allowing biological men to utilize women’s restrooms simply because they claim that gender identity. Never mind that they are men and have male genitalia.

The media perpetuates the mindset by presenting the cases of parents who have decided to enable their young children, sometimes four, five or six years old in claiming a gender identity they were not born with as normal. But, if you disagree there will be hell to pay as you are crucified for being ignorant, mean spirited or just plain stupid not to understand this phenomenon.

The steamroller of words coming from those camps is shrill, empty of valid arguments, mean spirited and accusatory. The modus operandi of the left is to avoid or distort facts at all costs and label anyone who doesn’t agree as corrupt, liars, disingenuous and somehow seeking the destruction of whole groups of people.

Being supportive of almost anything else does not matter if you are not in agreement. You could be the world’s kindest, gentlest, most loving, charitable human but if you don’t agree with the LBGTQ lifestyle, or anyone of the other leftist agendas, you are then to be thrown upon the trash heap of human waste.

The progressive left has brought the fight. Conservatives and right leaning folks are all for leaving everyone alone to pursue their own happiness, but not at the expense of tradition, moral beliefs and just plain societal norms and correctness. Even though free speech is the bedrock of the United States of America there are occasions where this right has been abused and thwarted by the left. Antifa is a prime example. They are taking to the streets in violent attacks on groups of people who do not subscribe to their way of thinking just because they verbalize that difference. Which is ironic because by definition the suppression of free speech in the foundation of fascism.

These groups have learned, with the help of mainstream media, to manipulate the presentation of their agendas, demands and cause de jour with conviction. Being championed in the media lends credibility and allows the spreading of their messages. There is no refuting because there are little opportunities to present opposition even moderately without being attacked.

The white privilege argument has been distilled to a new subgroup. Of late, the ‘old white guys” are the enemy in most everything. They are being accused that their wealth, stature, influence and power have all been achieved through corrupt means and at the expense of some oppressed group or other.

It may be the “old white guys’ will need to take the fight to the opposition to stand for the things learned at the feet of their parents. The love of family, the love of God and country are emblazoned in their hearts and minds. Perhaps these foolish insurgents need to be put in their place. It will be a big task, but they must be confronted. Do not expect politicians or the government to stand up to them, they represent the all-important votes needed to get elected and reelected.

This fight cannot be the ‘old white guys’ alone. It will need to be each and every American man and women with a backbone who is willing to suffer the attacks and take back the traditions that we stand for.

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