January 22, 2019 will live along side January 22, 1973 in infamy as the seeds and harvest of the abortion movement.
Roe v. Wade, a conflicted and controversial decision by the Supreme Court opened the door to legalized abortions. It immediately became a battle cry for those willing to sacrifice the unborn for some nefarious political advantage. At first couched as a medical procedure necessary for the health of the mother and quickly recognized as nothing of the sort. As time went by, 46 years worth, the issue has morphed into privacy, right to choose arguments and the health aspect has almost been entirely dropped. Oh and remember when rape and incest were touted as justifications. The activists kept moving the goalposts by waffling back and forth between necessity and a right.
So now, after 60 million babies have been aborted New York State, it’s extremely progressive Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the equally progressive houses of the state government have passed and he signed – on January 22, 2019 – the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). This act eliminates any criminality for late term abortions even up to moments before natural birth. It even expands to less than medical doctors the ability to perform the procedure. It insulates its tenants as signed state law. Cuomo, was gleeful at the passage insisting the he had established his state as the gold standard for abortion in the country and made it untouchable by Washington policies. In fact his joy was such that he ordered the pinnacle of the Freedom Tower to glow pink in the night sky. It is ironic that the memorial walls of the 911 site mention the 11 unborn babies that were killed on that tragic day. His actions, both before and after the passage and signing of the RHA, show his blatant disrespect for life. Yet, he has and does claim that he is Catholic and in line with the Pope. On their face both claims are laughable.
The Christian community is at once saddened and motivated by this horrific act.
In fact, I witnessed this morning something that I had never seen in all my years attending Sunday Mass. Before Mass began a parishioner walked to the front of the center aisle and addressed the congregants in a loud voice asserting the lack of clerical response to the state action. He was exercised, obviously angry and needed to speak his piece. As uncomfortable as his few words were, his action, even if somewhat inappropriate, gave voice to what was in many hearts this morning. Where is the leadership of the Church? Letters from the Bishops, soft and political words bordering on the weak are not enough. Loud and strong voices that represent the faith and the faithful are needed.
Many faithful Catholics are putting additional pressure on leadership to take Governor Cuomo to task and excoriate his lack of belief in the teachings of Christ and his support for the murder of babies. Is there not a verse from the bible that talks about leading others into sin? “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to fall away—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.” The context here is twofold. You should understand that killing the babies - “little ones” you are making them fall away from God and the awful consequence if you are the cause of them falling away.
The culture of death has been growing and gaining strength for almost 50 years and has now been given a new jolt. As the progressive movement continues to steamroll the citizens with their social justice agenda, much of which Church leadership ascribes to, the more our country will jettison the Judeo-Christian values it was founded on. That will cause the ultimate demise of the America. Not only are the consequences aimed at religion, Christianity, and life itself, but also at our country.
Without opposition the 60 million aborted babies will become 80 or 100 or more millions of little lives sacrificed. God must grant us the strength to take a real fight to the powerful, both inside and outside the Church and Government.