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Pray like you have never prayed before.

Writer's picture: Virgil LassiterVirgil Lassiter

We have been kidding ourselves about having any human control over the apparent escalation of mass death at the hands of others. Society has been lulled into a place where all causes are manmade or explainable. The reasons that are presented are lame at best and filled with a hubris that stretches the bounds of credulity.

Evil has been in the world since the beginning of time. The serpent was in the garden and we as God's grand experiment were banished. The serpent caused Cain to slay Abel. Again and again Satan in so many forms has wrecked havoc on mankind in the form or wars, killings, persecutions and depravity. The mistake that that society is making is always looking for answers that are secular, of human nature. These allegedly thoughtful and sincere people point fingers in ever different direction imaginable and they are all wrong.

The real battle is against God. Satan and his minions are hard at work invading our very hearts and souls. The tactics are often subtle and almost imperceptible. We have banned school prayer, we have punished faith filled behavior with legal consequences, we now challenge the very word 'God' in the public lexicon. Other more blatant successes of the evil one are 60 million babies killed by abortion, advancing euthanasia, cloaking the infiltration of a barbaric version of Islam as a 'peaceful religion.' And then God is blamed for not interceding when in fact the world as a whole has been moving further and further away from Him.

Think hard about some events of recent memory..... Columbine, Fort Hood, 911, ISIS, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Las Vegas and now Parkland Florida. Violence, death and mayhem. When the bodies are counted and the devastation tallied Satan's fingerprints are all over it. Yet we blame the Almighty when evil presents itself. 'How could He allow such a thing to happen?" It is not that he allowed it but we didn't arm ourselves against it.

Historically, philosophically, emotionally and spiritually God has always been but a prayer away. It is something that is espoused less and less - yet another tactic of the evil one. Every lessening, every modification and softening of Godly zeal is the direct product of Satan and his army. He strives for little victories that ultimately set the stage for grander and more horrific


I offer to you that God will prevail but we as humans must do our parts and fight against the Devil. We have a General in the form of the Archangel Michael. Michael has been God's warrior since before time began. He leads an army of angels to do battle with the Prince of Darkness. God dispatches his General and His angelic army against the evil one but we are responsible for summoning him.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world

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