A new wave is crossing this once great land. It is previously unknown or at least unimaginable on our shores. It is the challenge to our democratic process by leftwing anarchists. It is the specter of revolution not seen since the Civil War.
Since the November election the din from the ousted party, the unsuccessful voters and those they previously elected has reached a fever pitch. At first it was laughable. They just couldn’t get their heads around the fact that they had lost. The overwhelming nature of the loss must have made matters worse for them. They took a shellacking and it really hurt. They cried, they looked for safe places, they wanted cookies and crayons, they went into the streets, they demanded that the election was somehow illegitimate. Of course, that is all fine and something that an open society can tolerate.
However, and this is a big however, they have taken their ire beyond anything that looks like a loyal opposition. They now openly claim to be the resistance. In fact, there are instances of the word “resist” becoming a battle cry. We have even seen some isolated rioting. It is not a big jump from resistance to revolution. Now, folks if that does not scare the bejesus out of you than I do not know what will.
We have seen this type of behavior play out in third world countries around the globe but never between our coasts.
The left, the progressives, the most liberal Democrats have taken a stand that is unprecedented. Surely, we have had nuanced opposition in the past. People and politicians have spoken out about allegations of corrupt election shenanigans and displeasure with the winners and the alleged damage their policies will have on the country.
What we are witnessing now is heretofore unimagined for the United States of America.
The incoming President has been vilified as a demagogue, racist, xenophobe, homophobe, misogynist, money grubbing charlatan and to them “not my President.” Congressional leaders have labelled him illegitimate. He has been accused of colluding with the Russians to influence the election. To an extent, he had opened that door with inflammatory campaign rhetoric. He has not been successful in refuting the allegations about his personal character or trustworthiness. Having said that, the election is over and he will be the next President. We hear much about the peaceful transition of power, in fact our democracy has always depended on it and continues to do so today.
Turn the clock back to 2008 Presidential election. America elected the first black man to hold the highest office in the land and one with a Muslim name besides. He was an inexperienced junior Senator from Chicago with a silk tongue, youthful appearance and a big personality. That time around the right was in the role of losing the election and the Presidency. By comparison the push back was tame and very usual in terms of sighting his lack of credible world experience, his lack of economic knowledge and his come from nowhere rise to power were pointed out. The right was the loyal opposition, but not to the man or the office, but to his policies. No demonstrations, no riots, no boycotts. Which is the way we have always experienced the two party system.
The pampering of the radical left over the last eight years has emboldened them as a group. Each of the aligned agendas from the Black Lives Matter, Pro-Abortion Feminists, LBGTQ proponents, Climate Change activists, sanctuary cities and the protection of illegal aliens, social justice warriors and the very far left fringes have focused their angst on the incoming President. To them he is the Anti-Christ (even for the atheists among them). This divide is not a product of the last few months, nor solely as the result of the election, but a product of the exiting administration that catered to their shrill demands in wholesale fashion. When the leader sits in the Oval Office and subverts the Constitution, proclaims that elections has consequences and that he has a phone and pen people start to believe that our form of government does not matter. It only matters who sits behind the Resolute desk in that office.
So now that they have been evicted from the precious power throne their leader occupied and they find themselves in an untenable position. The incoming administration has put them on notice that America is for all Americans and not just their petty agendas. That political correctness and its corrosive mandates are no longer welcome.
Americans want America back.
The rule of law will prevail. Judges will no longer be activists bending precedent to the needs of the progressive left. Burdensome regulations that have dictated who and what we will be as a country will be rescinded and once again the future will belong to the people who have always made it – the citizens. The builders, the businesses, the entrepreneurs of every stripe no matter what they dream and not the government will chart the course. One World Order and Globalism will no longer be the theme and the interests of the United States will once again be paramount. Once again we will say what we mean and mean what we say on the world stage. America will reclaim the role it has held for the good of those countries we have always stood alongside. We will be strong and steadfast in the face of adversity and not capitulate. There will be no more Neville Chamberlains in our ranks. Appeasement will no longer be our modus operandi.
This new resistance is not only wrongheaded, unwarranted and premature, it is dangerous. Think of the antics of Code Pink, PETA, BLM and the like to understand that the bounds of acceptable demonstration and protesting has been eradicated. It is not a far stretch to see heightened violence added to the equation. Remember bombings and murders perpetrated by the FALN, the Weather Underground, the Black Liberation Army and the Black Panthers of the 60’s and 70’s. A return to such episodes would be very sad indeed. Currently each of todays’ factions have their own axe to grind but as the crescendo builds and they coalesce into one very loud chaotic rebellion violence can be sparked.
Calming this dissention through discourse will be virtually impossible. It will be the actions of the new President that will speak the loudest. The life of America is at stake. The progressive left has been building since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. They had a long time to prepare and rehearse for today. They cannot be underestimated because they have a different rule book then the rest of the country. Although they live in the United States, either as a product of their birth or they have come from elsewhere, collectively they despise what America represents. They disavow the clear leadership position we hold in the world, yet they use the rights this has afforded them to bludgeon those that oppose them. They claim free speech and assembly are their due but that it not be allotted to those that oppose them in the same measure.
The resistance is bi-polar.
They cannot have the same platforms that they do without the rights and freedoms they seek to undermine. Therein lies the seeds of their demise. The ability to perpetuate their positions becomes more tenuous the farther afield they go from the main stream. If they take too many steps to the left eventually they will fall off the world. One can only hope that that day gets here very soon. In the meantime be prepared and cautious wherever you go