Obama in the form of a letter is still the same. He should have paid Mohammed Ali to use his famous tagline - "I am the greatest."
In a letter to the American people Mr. Obama made outrageous claims for what he identifies as accomplishments over his tenure.
There is not enough space here to list or comment on all of his self proclaimed grandness. However I will only address a few of the ones that stood out for me.
"almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago," Poppycock. Obama went around the world at the beginning of his first term on the infamous "apology tour" and promises world leaders that America would no long be bossy or tough and that we would be more malleable and understanding of their needs. As a result of that and his extreme ability to lead from behind our strength and respect as the leader of the free world vaporized. How he can be so deluded as the make this egregious claim is beyond fantasy. It appears that he sees the world from a place far far away from the truth.
Syria is on fire and now under Russian influence because Obama failed to take action when Assad crossed the red line. Russia breezed into Ukraine one fine morning and suffered feeble rhetoric from the Oval Office. China actually builds islands - think about that for a second - they build island in the South China Sea and claim that because they have their international water are far expanded. Going further they have now militarized those islands allegedly for defense. Now these islands just didn't pop up one day. Where was the U.S. during the time it took to sprout the new terra firma.
Iranians and other middle eastern country citizens take to the streets during the Muslim Spring and Obama once again failed to support those seeking a more democratic government. His silence was deafening. The momentum for undoing the theocracies was dashed.
His presiding over the Iranian nuclear deal is of supreme importance in his mind. He claims to have shut down Iran's nuclear weaponization program. Except for him and John Kerry no one thinks this deal is worth the paper it is written on. The negotiations were so lopsided that we gave and gave and gave. Including $1.5 Billion dollars in cash and lifting of the sanctions that were bringing them of near collapse.
He is proud that he withdrew our troops Iraq and Afghanistan. Okay, so on its face that seems legit - except- by doing so the way he did handed Irag over to Iranian interference and influence. It also allowed ISIS to blossom and create there caliphate. Speaking of ISIS he highlights "a relentless campaign of 16,000 airstrikes" that are "breaking the back" of Islamic State. Two problems here, no terrorists captured for interrogation and therefore less than effective strategy development.
Opening relations with Cuba is considered akin to Nixon and China. Well , no quite. For 60 years Cuba has been a repressive communist country. The pictures of 1950's cars cruising the streets of Havana a quaint looking but it is the poverty of the population that make keeping them running a necessity of many. Cuba has been and is today a refugee for many dangerous and notorious people who fled the U.S. to avoid prosecution.
Throwing our support to the "climate agreement" with 200 countries that "could save the planet for our kids" is noted as another major accomplishment. Let's just say that it is one more globalist effort making America one of many and no more important than any other country. No need to be leader even though our environmental regulations are more effective then most of the countries at that table. Obama has found many different ways to not lead and just join the crowd of lesser governments.
It is just incredible that Obama can get in front of the world and be so disingenuous. Reality just gets ignored. More and more these days I think George Orwell was a prophet when he wrote 1984. Truth of the day is dispensed by the Ministry of Truth. It appears that President Obama is the high priest of that ministry.