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The Word of the Day is "Narrative"

Writer's picture: Virgil LassiterVirgil Lassiter

Josh Earnest, spokesmen for the White House, went on national television after the bombings in New Jersey and New York proclaiming that we are engaged in a war for the “Narrative” of terrorism. That is a ludicrous statement on its face. We are at war with violent Islamic Jihadists who want to convert the world or kill those who will not. Evidence in written and verbal forms collected from numerous sources clearly show that establishing a worldwide caliphate is their ultimate goal. The dynamics of the efforts take real shape when it is revealed that subversions of countries and governments is key component of the long term strategy. The war is both internal and external make no mistake about it. The narrative is but a tiny aspect and it surely is not a hill we should die on.

The Black Lives Matter folks have perpetuated narratives that sparked the recent National Anthem disrespect of professional sports players as well as numerous other protests, many of which have turned violent. Those narratives in the first instance and continuing to last night in Charlotte are false. There was never a “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” moment in Ferguson when Michael Brown was shot nor a book in the hands of Keith Lamont Scott in North Carolina. Yet the rhetoric continues and has helped to launch the violent protests in the city of Charlotte where one protester was shot in the head by someone in the crowd and police were pelleted with bricks and rocks. Never mind that statistics tell a different story about law enforcement doing anything but policing the population. Granted there have been questionable uses of force that have all been investigated and resolved. Bad police have been punished. BLM in not satisfied with anything short of saying that they and their communities have been victimized even if that is not true.

In terms of narratives President Obama is the Talker in Chief and spins so many false narratives that he cannot be believed on the face of most issues. He will not speak about or even acknowledge the level of concern of the American people in terms of the terrorist threat, the deterioration of race relations that has happened on his watch, the Iran nuclear deal or the heightened disregard and disrespect shown towards himself and the US around the globe. He has shepherded the removal from the authorized government handbook almost all of the words related to Islam, Muslim, terrorist, jihad. The question has an Orwellian answer and that is the creation of very false narrative that fits his agenda, revisionism and protectionism. His loyalty is misguided and misdirected away from his own citizens. Yet he stands at the United Nations and pontificates about his global vision as if he is standing in a college classroom giving a sociology lecture. He ultimately believes that his version and vision of things is the only one that counts.

Narratives as they exist in the public square today are unrelated to facts. Narratives are a tool used to foster an agenda. That is why both political parties issue talking points to their surrogates. The control of what is being said is paramount to solidify a message whether it is true or not. If enough people say it the same way, then it is easier to deflect attacks based on facts. Continued false narratives are used to stoke discord. Without strong challenges over and over even the false narrative become self-truths.

Eventually the truth will come out but in many cases it is just too late.

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