This President is turning himself inside out to avoid calling out the Muslim world for fostering the mentality responsible for the horrendous murder of 50 Americans at the Pulse LBGT nightclub in Orlando.
Calling the accusation of him not doing so a "political distraction". Clearly this is yet another attempt to deflect the real question. He can cast blame on ever other group except Muslims. Should we forget his statements about the evil that was done "in the name of Christ". Should we forget the litany of praise he heaped on Islam at the UN. Shall we further forget his divisive comments after Ferguson or Baltimore riots, when he virtually blames only the law enforcement officers for their actions and not the perpetrators. Shall we forget his writing that says "If the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with Muslims." So much for "Political distraction." It is clearly convenient for him to throw stones at people who demand that he be about his responsibilities to all Americans first and Islam later.
Yesterday he was incensed that people - especially he said those on cable talk shows and Republicans - call upon him to identify the enemy robustly and specifically. His response, which for my money is quite telling..... "What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change?" Ever petulant, his clear agitation was remarkable.
Turn the clock back and recall Hillary Clinton testifying about the death of Ambassador Stevens and the others at Benghazi..... "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they'd go kill some Americans. What difference- at this point, what difference does it make?"
Those statements are too similar to be ignored.
In April, President Hollande of France referred to "Islamist terrorism" in his statements at a press event with Obama. The official White House video taken down, edited and reposted with the words removed from the translation.
Doubling down on the rhetorical diatribe Obama went on to say the people who refer to "Radical Islam" are labeling all Muslims as terrorists. Absolutely no one is saying that one convicts the other. Although, there are questions about the more aggressive and violent leaning passages in the Quran, most people avoid equating the radical label to an entire religion. Radical Islam is just as valid as "Fundamentalist Christians" which is used to describe the most strident proponents of the Christian faith and casting them as myopic and intolerant of different views. No one paints all followers of Christ as fundamentalists.
Over and over Obama has avoided, sidestepped and deflected the conversation that calls on him to stand up for America and not soft pedal his approach in calling out the enemy of America, Radical Islamic Terrorist Jihadists. Pull back the curtain and you will find people in places of influence that have been invited into the deepest inner circles of our government that have a clear Muslim agenda in terms of sculpting positions, policies, lexicon of terms and public stances of the bureaucracy. Islamic organizations that have long ago been identified as unindicted co-conspirators in federal court are welcome at the White House. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood participate in advisory roles pushing weak political actors and bending them to their agenda.
More and more details of the inner workings of his administration raise questions about the foundation of Mr. Obama's beliefs, in terms of the class and ethnic divide he has fostered over the last seven and half years. He has also publicly, way too often for my money, blamed America, Christians and whites for multiple offenses on the world stage. He blindly follows his personal - hidden - agenda regardless of the realities that swirl around him.
The sheer weight of the past seven years of arrogant, all knowing, divisive lecturing has given rise to the current temperament of the the citizenship. Mr. Obama will some day have to own this. Historians will not be kind to him.