I am tired of being lectured to by such an ignorant arrogant ineffective President.
Last nights speech in the Oval Office was all show and no go. Where is the legitimate outrage? Where is the steel in the spine? Even his fighting words were hollow because no one believes he will do anything different than he has been doing over the last year.
Remember the “red line”? Remember “ISIL is the JV”? And Mr. Obama if you had read the intelligence briefing every morning like you said last night then how could you have said “ISIL is contained” the very day Paris was so dramatically attacked by that very same organization?
Okay people it is time for you to understand the protection blanket the Obama seems to spread over all Muslims. There are Muslim Brotherhood operatives in positions of power in the administration. Some say that Valerie Jarrett is the prime influencer, but that is not so. She is just the top of the pyramid and she is surrounded not only by a staff of very smart progressives but also Muslim sympathizers. If you take a half a step back you can clearly recognize their influence. Why are we so bent on a nuclear deal with Iran? Could if be the powerful Muslim influence deep within the administration. The Muslim Brotherhood are also very smart and they have a really long term plan that they are masterfully implementing. Their goal clearly stated in many many documents, both publically available and protected by the administration, is to transform this country into a Muslim state. Make no mistake about it.
Words matter and the difference in using ISIS vs. ISIL is a good starting place. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) avoids the fact that Islamic State (IS)is what they call themselves and they occupy parts of Iraq and Sryia. Using ISIL further allows the administration to avoid the impact on Israel and Lebanon.
The government glossary of terms will reveal that many descriptive terms relating to Islam, Muslim, jihad, terrorism have been disallowed by the administration. So where is that coming from?
Have you not noticed the governments reluctance, in all cases, to identify the Islamic terrorists, as just that, radical Islamic terrorists. Did you ever wonder why Obama was the only world leader to not join in the very meaningful display of marching together in the streets of Paris? His speech in Turkey days later was so off the mark that even his media minions began to challenge him on his apparent detachment for the meaning of the new attacks. Why was he so far behind the American public in saying that San Bernadino was an act of terrorism and not workplace violence as the President appeared to hope.
Now he wants to tell me that gun control is the answer? Horse crap! If all the guns in the hands of civilians were confiscated tomorrow the bad guys would still be able to get their weapons through black market or other nefarious channels. San Bernadino is being lumped into street gangs, crazy people attacks to deflect from the primary fact that radical Islamic terrorism has been visited upon our people here at home. Folks everything else is pure window dressing.
I sat through the Oval Office address hoping against hope that I would see fire. That I would see something reminiscent of Mr. Hollandes’ speech after the Paris attacks. They could not have been more dissimilar. Once again, we, the citizens and our representatives had been made responsible because he is ineffective. When you attach the gun control and Visa process you are merely mudding the waters. You are obfuscating, conflating and deflecting the very real issue that we have been once again attacked by Islamic terrorists. A real man would have come out with fire in his eyes, steel in his spine and let the world know that we are coming to seek retribution. Did anyone hear any such thing?
So Mr. Obama stop lecturing me, grow a pair, realize that your Muslim radicals are out for our scalp and protect us.