As reported on The Hill……..
“The news media ‘absolutely’ overstates the risks of terrorism because stories about things like climate change aren’t ‘sexy’ and don’t drive ratings, President Obama said in an interview published Monday.
Please America, be afraid, be very afraid. Once again, our President has shown how seriously he is disconnected from what’s going on in the world today. Granted, ISIS - or in his world ISIL (I still don’t understand the difference) - is a newer iteration of the Islamic jihadists that have been gaining strength, resources and technical ability over the years, but should that be down played? Every aspect of their actions warrants continued, consistent and complete coverage. The more, the better. An informed public makes better decisions and can apply pressure where pressure is needed. Reaction to these barbarians is visceral on a very deep level. If you don’t understand that they’re out to kill, and kill in very large and wholesale numbers, then Mr. President you are either deluded, naive or just plain stupid.
Since well before September 11th the Islamic extremists have had the US and other countries in the cross hairs. Remember the USS Cole, the first bombing at the World Trade Center in 1993 and the embassy bombing to name just a few that predated the most dramatic attack on American soil. To minimize the ongoing nature of the potential and equate that reality with a community policing issue is ridiculous.
‘What's the famous saying about local newscasts, right? If it bleeds, it leads, right?’ Obamatold Vox. Oh My God. Is he equating Islamic Jihadist extremists to coverage of a car crash on the 495. You show crime stories and you show fires, because that's what folks watch, and it's all about ratings.” Oh My God times two.
He continues to dig a deeper and deeper hole with his comments. “And, you know, the problems of terrorism and dysfunction and chaos, along with plane crashes and a few other things, that's the equivalent when it comes to covering international affairs.’ So shall we understand that he discounts what’s going on as the product of selling newsprint, and that he doesn’t wholeheartedly believe that this should be one of his biggest concerns? Isn't the safety of the country the most primary obligation of the President?
Obama said there was not going to be ‘a lot of interest’ in stories showing positive progress on issues like infant mortality or improving productivity for farmers. ‘It's not a sexy story,’ Obama said. ‘And climate change is one that is happening at such a broad scale and at such a complex system, it's a hard story for the media to tell on a day-to-day basis.’” Is he saying that ISIS stories do not deserve to be covered more robustly or prominently than the crop report?
“It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you've got a
bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris. We devote enormous resources to that, and it is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that — the same way a big city mayor's got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive.” – President Obama in an interview with Vox. Officially ISIS has now become a patrol issue in the local precinct. Oh no folks, this is not a war, it is merely a condition like a rash of burglaries that need to be stopped.
A more naïve, feckless lack of understanding of the real situation could not be made up. Mr. Obama is leaning so heavily away from painting ISIS as Islamic extremist jihadists that he’s stumbling to come up with justifications for his statements, actions and lack thereof.
To recap. Fires , car crashes and accidents, global warming and farm reports should take precedence over the war being waged by ISIS, Islamic extremists and jihadists who are determined to create a new caliphate more powerful and more geographically broad than the Ottoman Empire. It’s impossible to get into the mind of our President, but looking at the messages and direction of his rhetoric you can see a trend. Let’s take a look: He will not even say the words “Islamic extremists.” He treats Israel as our red headed stepchild and snubs Netanyahu more than once. He has refused to act in Syria. He gave up on reaching a status of forces agreement with Afghanistan so he had cover for withdrawing all of our troops. He releases the most dangerous prisoners held at Guantanamo and is determined to empty it completely. Do any of these actions confirm his commitment to fighting this war against terrorists?
It appears that his comments have taken him way too far afield as our Commander in Chief. Don’t forget that the very media he is now blaming for inflaming a sentiment that is surely appropriate and warranted are the same media that have protected, defended and sided with him for the past six years. As our leader, he should be more prepared to speak in the most weighty of terms possible about stopping the people who by their own words have vowed to kill us all.
Mr. Obama, America is pleading with you to protect us from ISIS, ISIL, Islamic Extremists, Terrorists and Jihadists with every ounce in your body.