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Send In The Clowns

Writer's picture: Virgil LassiterVirgil Lassiter

Emmett Kelly, probably the greatest and most beloved clown of the century performed to the delight of millions of men, women and children around the world.

In contrast the American Clown in Chief – yes I know that is very disrespectful and somewhat rude – scares the bejesus out of me and millions of other people around the globe with his incessant rhetoric, lack of strength, non stop political maneuvering and downright arrogance. Each time he stands on a stage, at a podium or in front of any audience for that matter, I have to picture him in face paint, big shoes, silly hat and big red nose. Without that I cannot tolerate the empty words.

For six years Mr. Obama has put on a perpetual campaign stance, style and persona. No surprise since his true profession is community organizer. A community organizer does just that, organizes groups and then riles them up to be activists and make demands on various government agencies for more and more of whatever the cause dejour is. He just has a much bigger stage.

An alleged constitutional law professor and scholar he flouts that very document at will. He is the embodiment of a pure political operative with an agenda and he lacks the gravitas to sit in the oval office. It does not matter how his actions affect the country as a whole, as long as he can be the Robin Hood of the U.S.. Under the guise of fairness, or another one of his favorite words – investment - he clamors for more and more redistribution of wealth in the form of taxes and spending that punish success. In his Clownland citizens no longer have to develop skills, study, work hard and show up everyday to be successful; they merely have to wait for the next great entitlement.

As the world burns he tells us that it is a safer more secure globe than when he took office. Whole groups of innocents are being kidnapped, there are be-headings and now burnings taking place and being shown on live TV and the internet. Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power and the U.S. continues to negotiate with them as if they believe some good will come out of it. Islamic terrorists roam the world seeking the destruction of all infidels, the establishment of a worldwide caliphate and Obama cannot even utter the true identity of the enemy. I question in what reality is the world safer, certainly not ours.

The leaders of the world no longer rely on Obama or the United States for leadership. Although they still do come for a hand out of cash, services or material. He has reduced the most powerful office on the face of the earth to a cabal that could ride in a clown car. He has allowed the re-emergence of a belligerent Russia in the person of Vladimir Putin who seeks nothing less than to reestablish the former Soviet Union. Don’t hope for the return of the days of “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” because Obama is no Reagan or the equivalent of any other important leader of this century for that matter.

Enter Clown #2, Valerie Jarrett. Well maybe not a clown, but surely a puppet master. This is someone everyone should know but no one really does. She is secretly pulling the strings of Mr. Obama’s clown suit. Presidential advisers usually have a particular stature, no matter what side of the aisle they call home. Ms. Jarrett however is the keeper of the progressive agenda and makes sure the Mr. Obama is following the play book chapter and verse. If you ever wonder where some of his pronouncements and positions come from look no further than Ms. Jarret, our de facto President.

As far as Clown #3 is concerned, that position is firmly held by Eric Holder, the current and soon to be ex-Attorney General. Let’s just list a few of the more memorable Holder-esque episodes – the cover up of Fast and Furious gun running and alleged tracking that got our folks killed and resulted in a citation for contempt of Congress, because he refused to cooperate, from which he needed the protection of Clown#1, he championed Trayvon Martin before all the facts were in, labeled the Fort Hood terror attack by Major Hassan as “workplace violence”, determined that captured terrorists should be afforded all the legal rights of American citizens whom they were trying to kill, investigated reporters of opposition viewpoint media outlets, stood to seek justice for protesters in Ferguson even though the facts were clearly on the side of law enforcement, remains feckless in investigating the IRS for targeting conservative non profits and who stated that the reason people oppose himself and Barack Obama is because of race. His clown nose should flash every time he opens his mouth.

In the clean up #4 Clown spot stands Secretary of State John Kerry. How he can stand up without a spine is quite a trick. Tricks are clowns stock in trade so when Obama blew off the Paris solidarity gathering of world leaders after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack Mr. Kerry arrived days later with James Taylor in tow to sing “You’ve got a friend” to the French President. Such monumental crap cannot be made up.

It is no wonder that this pack of buffoons has denigrated the esteem that the United Statesonce held in the world.

May God help us all.

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