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Wake Up World

Writer's picture: Virgil LassiterVirgil Lassiter

Can you say Caliphate?

Anyone who thinks that the goal of radical Muslims having an Islamic State that encompasses the globe is not driving the violence being perpetrated by terrorists worldwide is simply deluding themselves.

All the attempts to divorce the horrendous cowardly and barbarous acts from Islam are also misguided. The base, the foundation the jumping off point is Islam. And, it is being perpetuated by those so called moderate Muslims who sit silently on the sidelines.

As the intensity ratchets up it can no longer be ignored or not called out for what it really is – radical Islam. Without the objections of mister main street Muslim the caliphate is coming. You do understand what that might mean, don’t you? Complete and total Sharia Law. You will convert to Islam or be killed. You wife and daughters will be chattel and mere objects in the male dominated society. They may even be deemed worthy of killing for real or imagined crimes against the fundamentalist laws or their husbands, which is also a tenet of Sharia Law.

Why are so many, important and prominent, persons so gingerly tap dancing around calling a spade a spade. Political correctness? Spinelessness? Cowardice? Appeasement? “Let’s not upset the Muslims.” mentality. Why? Large numbers of the billion members of the Muslim faith have emigrated to the prosperous countries of France, England, America and just about every other country for personal economic advancement, better schools, living conditions and health care then in their home countries and yet they do not assimilate. Take a look around the world. Each country that has experienced the major influx of Islamic populations now has pockets of Muslims gathered in the same neighborhoods. Where thy have concentrated clannishness and societal power which in turn has become a breeding ground for radicalization. Some might argue those neighborhoods are not all that different from other ethnic groups that have moved to a new country. However, there has been much less migration out of those areas into the general population as has been seen in the past? Has there been acceptance or participation in the host country society? The answer is no. If it is not of their faith or their home country they do not accept nor participate. In fact, there are enclaves into which local police do not dare patrol. They have been told to stay out so the Muslim residents can police themselves.

The chips are beginning to fall. Innocent people in ever larger numbers are being attacked and killed. Wake up world, this fight will never be won unless and until the powers that be realize that they are going to have to step up and take action in a proactive way. We can no longer wait and be reactive to instances of terror, violence and threats. We need to identify the bad apples that are determined to hurt others and remove them from society in whatever way possible. If laws need to be written or changed to make this possible then so be it.

The fear resident in governments and administrations around the globe has breed the current mayhem.

The idiotic notion of Mr. Obama that Gitmo somehow fuels the recruiting of radicals is probably the most shortsighted and ass backwards idea I have ever heard of. It exists to hold the worlds’ worst terrorists. It exists to keep innocents safe from them. Releasing any of them, let alone 3 or 5 at a time, is just not wise. Does anyone really think that releasing such bad actors makes this fight any easier? Does anyone think that they will not reenter the war against us and others? Does anyone think that they deserve to be treated any other way than what they are – barbarians.

It has to be made clear across the board that if you are not with us in this fight than you are against us. No more panty wasted protestations, head turning to look the other way or failures to identify the enemy. They are here NOW. What are you going to do about it?

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